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HD Definitions Grande

What is humanitarian design?

In 2023, we asked our community to answer the question "What does humanitarian design mean to you?". This project aimed to build knowledge and promote members on our social media while emphasising our diversity of disciplines and locations.

Table of Contents

Call for application

Since our creation, a lot of people joining our community are asking “what is humanitarian design?”. While we understand the need to define the field that is our main activity and where we claim to build knowledge on, to reply to such a question is a tricky one.

It’s the same tricky question than “what is design?”. Every designer could have a different definition: you could go to a more classic definition; a more metaphorical one; a pragmatic one describing a project or your specific discipline.

Furthermore, Humanitarian Designers is not here to define one authoritative/academic path. We are here to support people in defining their own journey, so we aim for plurality.

Indeed, a product designer working in Phnom Penh for a grassroots NGO that is doing WASH projects might have a complete different reality than a graphic designer working for the United Nations in Roma on projects related to emergency telecommunications. 

With this complexity, we decided that it was important for us to provide a reply to all our members but using a different approach: we where going to ask our community to share “what does humanitarian design mean for them?”.

Receiving these replies -both in English and/or in their native language- fit different purposes: (1) to learn about humanitarian design; and (2) to promote HD members on our social media.

List of definition published

After one year, we are pleased to share the definitions that we have received so far, in chronological order.

James Hinkamp

HD role: Community member
UX Designer
Pronouns: He/him
Language: English

James hinkamp

What is humanitarian design?

“Creating with the sole purpose of sustaining and improving lives.”

André Santos

HD role: Volunteer
Design strategist
Pronouns: He/him
Organisation: iDE Innovation Lab
Language: English

Andre Santos

What is humanitarian design?

“Humanitarian design is a catalyst for transformation, igniting hope and transforming lives through conscious solutions. It empowers marginalised and vulnerable communities, bridging the gaps and unlocking new possibilities through meaningful collaborations, embracing the richness of diverse perspectives, and creating lasting impacts that ripple through generations.”

Charlotte Lunsigh Scheurleer

HD role: Community member
Profession: UX Researcher and Strategist
Location: Netherlands
Pronouns: She/her
Organisation: iO
Language: English

Charlotte Scheurleer

What is humanitarian design?

“Design that is meant to do good in any way to (a) human(s) in need.”

Thomas Jäger

HD role: Co-founder
Profession: Social & Humanitarian designer
Pronouns: He/him
Organisation: Iconstorm
Language: English

Thomas Jager opt

What is humanitarian design?

“Humanitarian design is the continuous effort to provide a life in dignity and safety to those who really need it, utilising design methods to form collaborative strategic planning and outcomes. The overarching goal here is to create lasting, humane, and innovative cultures for all the stakeholders.”

Meghan O'Meara

HD role: Community member
Profession: Digital and Content strategist
Location: United States
Pronouns: She/her
Organisation: Flexion Inc.
Language: English

Meghan O Meara

What is humanitarian design?

“Humanitarian design eclipses user-centered design’s effective and efficient usability, and goes beyond human-centered design’s focus on a people-centered process. It includes these important design concepts, but also requires a more holistic focus to ensure that both interactions and process pursue goals that are respectful, inclusive, and virtuous.”

Panayiota Christou

HD role: Community member
Profession: Graphic designer
Pronouns: She/her
Organisation: European Parliament
Languages: English / Greek

panayiota christou

What is humanitarian design?

“Humanitarian design to me is creatively influencing change through active participation. It’s putting human centred ethics and principles at the centre and anything that I do revolves around this way of thinking. By being a designer working in the humanitarian sector, I strongly feel empowered and satisfied that I collectively contribute to the creation of a better future.”

What is humanitarian design? (Greek version)

“Ντιζάινερ ανθρωπιστικής βοήθειας για ‘μένα είναι η δημιουργική επιρροή ουσιαστικής αλλαγής και ενεργής δράσης. Είναι το να βάζεις στο επίκεντρο την ηθική και τις αρχές και οτιδήποτε άλλο να περιστρέφετε γύρο αυτό τον τρόπο σκέψης. Το να είμαι ένας ντιζάινερ που εργάζεται στον ανθρωπιστικό τομέα, με κάνει να νιώθω δυνατή και ικανοποιημένη, που συμμετέχω έμπρακτα στη δημιουργία ενός καλύτερου μέλλοντος.”

Carlos pons

HD role: Community member
Profession: Principal analyst, Digital strategy & Systemic design
Pronouns: He/him
Language: English

carlos pons

What is humanitarian design?

“Humanitarian design is the set of design disciplines used to improve people’s lives and reduce suffering in contexts where human rights are at risk or violated.”

Melisa Lenero

HD role: Community member
Profession: Design manager
Location: United Kingdom
Pronouns: She/her
Organisation: iDE Innovation Lab
Language(s): English

melisa lenero

What is humanitarian design?

“Humanitarian design uses the design mindset, tools and methods to approach systemic, complex and wicked problems affecting nearly half of the population to provide well-tested and refined ideas designed to context.”

Beatrice Cox

HD role: Volunteer
Profession: Multidisciplinary designer
United Kingdom
Pronouns: She/her
Organisation: Freelancer
Language(s): English

Beatrice cox

What is humanitarian design?

“It’s about being aware of what we can and can’t do as designers. We are often taught that design is about problem solving, but this is not necessarily the case. We are not the protagonists; we are merely tools to empower other human beings and communities in finding their solution, their path towards a long-term sustainable reality.”

Klara Jarolimova

HD role: Community member
Profession: UX Designer
United States
Pronouns: She/her
Organisation: Klarko
Language(s): English / Czech

Klara Jarolimova Grande

What is humanitarian design?

“Humanitarian design is the study of the world and the application of a humanity-centered approach to system design. It involves democratizing the process to tackle global humanitarian issues with community participation, allowing them to be the designers alongside humanitarians and collaborate together to learn how to keep the system sustainable and effective for their specific ecosystem needs.”

What is humanitarian design? (Czech version)

“Humanitární design je pro mě studiem světa a aplikací přístupu zaměřeného na lidstvo k návrhu systému a demokratizaci procesu k řešení humanitárních globálních problémů za účasti komunity, což jim umožňuje studie, jak udržet systém udržitelný a efektivní pro jejich specifické ekosystémové potřeby.”

Gabriel Leal

HD role: Volunteer
Profession: Service designer
United Kingdom
Pronouns: He/him
Organisation: Freelancer
Languages: English / Portuguese

Gabriel Leal 1 opt

What is humanitarian design?

“Humanitarian design is a practice that is rooted in empathy, collaboration, and innovation, focusing on creating products, services, and systems that meet the needs of people affected by poverty, disaster, or other humanitarian crises.”

What is humanitarian design? (Portuguese version from Brasil)

“O design humanitário é uma prática que se baseia na empatia, colaboração e inovação, e que se concentra na criação de produtos, serviços e sistemas que atendam às necessidades das pessoas afetadas pela pobreza, desastres ou outras crises humanitárias.”

Fiorenza Scarpa

HD role: Community member
Profession: Product designer
Pronouns: She/her
Organisation: Freelancer
Language: English

Fiorenza Scarpa Grande

What is humanitarian design?

“Humanitarian design has two interconnected meanings to me. The first concerns the types of topics, challenges, people, and situations on which you focus. The second concerns the approach and mindset used to research, develop, or create possible solutions. Humanitarian design means that your focus is on inclusivity, equality, access, and advocacy for human rights and freedom. It also means that as a humanitarian designer, you approach these topics with empathy, an open mind, and communication. You encourage people interested in the topic to actively participate in defining their challenges and creating their solutions. Humanitarian designers are interpreters and facilitators, using their expertise and creativity to create a better world than yesterday.”

Amarjeet Singh

HD role: Community member
Profession: UX Designer
Pronouns: He/him
Language: English

Amarjeet Singh Grande

What is humanitarian design?

“Humanitarian design means harnessing the power of the design process to create impactful and delightful solutions for humanitarian aid, and serving the greater good in humanity.”

Cecilia Scolaro

HD role: Volunteer
Profession: Educator of responsible design
Pronouns: She/her
Organisation: Consultant
Language: English

Cecilia Scolaro1 Grande

What is humanitarian design?

“Design that supports and empowers people in humanitarian crisis pursuing equity and justice.”

Yanna Vogiazou

HD role: Community member
Profession: Design researcher and Service designer
Pronouns: She/her
Language: English

Yanna Vogiazou Grande

What is humanitarian design?

“Humanitarian design is the design practice that combines human-centered design methodologies with a focus on systemic transformation and resilience. Its goal is to develop products, services, and transformative programs that address humanitarian challenges and improve the well-being of communities affected by crises, vulnerable and marginalized populations, while also supporting the health and sustainability of the natural ecosystems they depend on.”


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