Your support means the world to us, and here’s why it matters:
- Your donation fuels the advancement of humanitarian design, driving positive change where it’s needed most.
- By contributing, you’re raising awareness among design schools and students, potentially altering their life trajectories and careers forever.
- Your support directly impacts NGOs partners and the communities they serve, fostering innovation and improving lives.
Join us in making a real and lasting difference. Your generosity will enable us to expand our reach, foster innovation, and bring new solutions to humanitarian challenges. Donate today for a more just and compassionate world.
where will your money go?
In answer to your trust, we are committed to following our strong ethics and vision.
While the Bureau has set up the NGO strategic development, our projects will evolve based on the community of members that will join us during this year, and the clients & partners that will work with us.
A quick overview of our past projects gives you an idea of our activities:
Communication projects
- Created a Slack that welcomes 500+ people from all over the world so far.
- Organised a two-day conference & installation in Paris during the France Design Week 2021. The logistics were managed by 6 Members and 6 volunteers. We had 19 international speakers representing important voices from the humanitarian sector (CSI, IARAN) and the design sector (Butterfly Works, Common Thread, Thinkplace).
- Have started collaborations with design schools by doing presentations, going to end-of-the-year jury, initiating projects, talking to students.
Education projects
- Created two humanitarian design courses with ENSCI Les Ateliers and the University of Offenbach and established partnerships with two grassroots NGOS (Habibi.Works, Watizat) to bring relevant challenges. It includes 40 hours of content such as presentations, workshops, games, etc.
- Five-Day Online Training is a free newsletter available on the website. It is a great tool for upcoming volunteers and grassroots NGO coordinators because it offers a comprehensive and easy-to-read training about the humanitarian sector and the Greek context.
Development projects
- Voted to become four co-founders instead of one to diversify our experiences and motivations.
- Asked our community “what does humanitarian design mean to you?” to collect a diverse range of experiences and promote them.
- Revamped the website with a cumulated group of 15 volunteers.
Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, 1050 – Brussels, Belgium

Legal notes
Humanitarian Designers is registered in France as a loi 1901 association. We are officially an association, also known as a non-profit organization. There is no legal statutes in France to become a “Non-governmental organization”. But our humanitarian purpose pushes us to use the English term “NGO”. We had our first General Assembly in February 2022 with 11 Members and our statutes are available on demand.
You can become a Member of the Association by paying the yearly membership fee of 15€. This is a donation that entirely goes back to our projects and is a way, for you, to show your motivation and support in the development of our projects. Doing so, you can take part in the activities and management of the association; participate to the yearly General Assembly; be insured by the Association. If you wish to become a Member but cannot afford to pay the fee, send us email or contact us at [email protected].
All the finances are managed on the trusted French platform HelloAsso. They are themselves an association providing 100% free planing tools for associations like us. Their business model is based on a small fee collected during your donations. To be transparent, we want to inform you that this fee is not mandatory and you can change the amount. We still advise you to support their essential work.